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Small Group Health Check-Up Questions

for periodic discussion

  1. What have you most appreciated about your small group gatherings?
  2. What aspects of your current group life could use some attention or refocus? Specifically:
    • Are you finding the agenda and structure of group time worthwhile?
    • Is the frequently and consistency of meeting working for you?
    • Are you satisfied with the ability to hear from everyone, without anyone dominating?
    • What common understandings about group life would be helpful to name and all agree on?
  3. What agenda, discussion topics, or activities would you recommend for the coming year?
  4. What are ways small group can support your growth (spiritually or otherwise) without any one person overwhelming the focus of the group?
  5. How are various roles being filled in your group? Some roles are formal (e.g. small group rep) and others may be unspoken (group facilitator, organizer, nurturer, host, …). Are there ways these roles could be carried out more effectively in your group?

If your group identifies an area of group life that needs attention, but it’s unclear how best to address it,
feel free to contact the pastor of small groups for ideas and assistance.