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Roles and responsibilities of Assembly small groups


Small groups are an important place of nurture and mutual care. Some ways groups do this is by:

  • providing care/support with births, deaths, and illnesses (e.g. bringing a red rose for the altar on
    the Sunday following a birth; hosting a baby shower, organizing carry-in meals; etc.);
  • marking transitions and maintaining contact when members are on extended leave (e.g. sending
    care-packages, notifying pastoral team of transitions, organizing send-offs or blessings, , etc.);
  • bringing financial need requests to those who can access congregational resources (best to start
    by notifying a pastor).

See also the document “Small Groups as Frontline of Pastoral Care” for more information.


Gift discernment is part of our community life and often happens within the small group context.
Gift discernment includes participation in the annual congregational leader selection process.


Small groups are part of our mission of hospitality and sharing God’s love with others. We engage
this in part by inviting new people into small groups. Also, small groups sometimes identify a mission
for their group (e.g. advocating for immigrants, practicing gratitude) or they actively support
members in their personal/vocational missions.


Small groups give attention not only to concerns of their own members, but also to the health and
liveliness of the congregation. To further the mission and life of the congregation, small groups are
encouraged to discuss congregational issues brought to them and pass on information from
members’ meetings to those in the group who may have missed a meeting. Small groups can also
impact the congregational agenda through various means. For example, small groups can:

  • impact the worship diet by suggesting themes and ideas to the worship committee (and by
    offering to plan worship during the seasons of small group worship leading);
  • discuss and develop ideas or questions that are raised in worship, extending discernment begun
    in worship into the life of small groups;
  • suggest and plan electives in order for an idea or theme to be explored more deeply;
  • initiate congregational discernment by proposing a matter for discussion to the leadership group.


In preparation for the annual reaffirmation of the membership, all members are expected to review
their commitment to the Covenant and Practices in their small group. Small group representatives
should let a pastor know if there are any in their group open to covenanting or any members who are
stepping back from membership in the congregation.


Small groups also take on the following occasional tasks:

  • Greeting people Sunday morning (2-3x/yr).
  • Worship planning (< once a year).
  • Participate in cleaning after a fellowship meal or of a section of the meetinghouse during
    congregational work days.