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Participant Tasks

Participant Tasks

Assembly needs you to make our Sunday morning gatherings happen! You are encouraged to participate in the life of the congregation in many ways, including sharing gifts of hospitality and caring for our children. In order to have enough participants and to distribute the work equitably, all are encouraged to sign-up for 2 or more tasks.

  • I am willing to...
  • I am willing to...
  • If there are specific Sundays / times of year when you know you will NOT be available to help with your assigned task, or if you are willing to do a given task more times a year than suggested above, please indicate how often you’d be willing to do a particular task.
  • Beyond the two regularly scheduled tasks you signed up for above, please help us create a list of folks who can be called upon in times of special need. I am willing to be asked to help with: (check all that apply)