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Job Description of a Small Group Rep

Small Group reps represent their group at the monthly reps meeting,* and their job is to:

1. be a link between their small group and the congregation by:

    • regularly attending and participating in the Reps meeting;
    • sharing information gained at the reps meeting with their group,
    • facilitating any discussion about congregational matters requested at the reps meeting, and
      conveying the group’s responses to the appropriate pastor or leadership person in a timely

2. foster small group life at AMC by:

    • engaging in conversation at the reps meeting about aspects of small group life; sharing ideas,
      updates, and observations about what is or isn’t working;
    • giving some attention to the congregational task of helping interested people who are not in a
      small group find a small group home.

It is not assumed that the Rep will:

    • be the group’s leader,
    • be responsible for the group’s health,
    • serve as Rep forever (a minimum two-year commitment is helpful for continuity at Reps’ meetings).

* Reps often meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:15 pm, but not in December, June, or July.