Summer Worship: Encounters on the Journey

The people of God have been on the move for the past three millennia. Prophets travel to distant lands, sometimes against their will. Moses leads his people through the desert to the Promised Land. Jesus begins his itinerant ministry, traveling with his disciples. They go from place to place, and at one point Jesus remarks that he has no place “to lay his head,” so often do they move from one town to another.

Why do we travel? Whom do we encounter and what encounters us? In what ways do we change, or are we changed by our journey and those we meet along the way?

We will explore these and other questions this summer, when many of us take to the road. We will hear stories of journey and encounter, faith tested and confirmed, lives or attitudes changed as we celebrate the pilgrim in all of us and learn from the travel experience of The Way.

Artwork by John Blosser

Worship With Us


Join us in person for worship at 9:30 AM or on Zoom.

Small Groups

Small groups are integral to the life of our congregation. They are the best place for care and nurture of individuals, for support and accountability in our faith journeys, for some stages of communal discernment, and for some types of mission and outreach.


As a reconciling faith community, we seek to follow Jesus’ example by welcoming all who come our way, regardless of age, economic or social circumstances, ethnic background, gender, marital status, physical ability, race, or sexual orientation.

Privileges of the Child

We seek to keep children in the midst of our congregation, the responsibility of all, to be known by name, to be valued persons in the congregation, and active participants in worship.

Small Groups

The Arts

From four-part singing, to drumming, to visuals, to dance, the arts are highly valued and central to our worship.