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Now Hiring! 3/4-Time Office Administrator (with Benefits)

Assembly Mennonite Church is seeking a 3/4-time office administrator. This salaried position is eligible for benefits including health insurance and paid time off. The role includes responsibility for the congregation’s financial bookkeeping, information management, coordination of building rentals and maintenance, and program support. Required qualifications include basic understanding of accounting concepts, computer proficiency and/or aptitude, effective communication, and organizational skills. More information can be found here. Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Scott Coulter (

Lent 2025

Does everything actually belong? Does it mean that everything is fine? Or that everyone is welcome? What about things that are empirically bad, do they belong? And with so many unjust things happening, is this really the right theme for this time?

In this Lenten season, this theme might be an invitation to love what feels imperfect within yourself. Perhaps it is an invitation to love what is imperfect in the world even as we rage and raise our voices in resistance. How are we following Jesus in creating a place of belonging here at Assembly for all of us, the messy, broken, beautiful, whole people who find themselves here? 

Worship With Us


Join us in person for worship at 9:30 AM or on Zoom.

Small Groups

Small groups are integral to the life of our congregation. They are the best place for care and nurture of individuals, for support and accountability in our faith journeys, for some stages of communal discernment, and for some types of mission and outreach.


As a reconciling faith community, we seek to follow Jesus’ example by welcoming all who come our way, regardless of age, economic or social circumstances, ethnic background, gender, marital status, physical ability, race, or sexual orientation.

Privileges of the Child

We seek to keep children in the midst of our congregation, the responsibility of all, to be known by name, to be valued persons in the congregation, and active participants in worship.

Small Groups

The Arts

From four-part singing, to drumming, to visuals, to dance, the arts are highly valued and central to our worship.